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P-Shot PRP Injection

P-Shot is a novel minimally invasive PRP injection that stimulates the endothelial cells in the corpus cavernosum to produce collagen and thus promotes erections.
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P-Shot PRP Injection Therapy

P-Shot is a novel minimally invasive PRP injection that stimulates the endothelial cells in the corpus cavernosum to produce collagen and thus promotes erections.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is when a male is either unable to achieve or maintain and erection.  ED can be due to mainy different health reasons including cardiovascular issues, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, post-prostatectomy/radiation,  and many other causes.

There are several treatment options for ED that range from conservative options to surgical. The Vacuum Erection Device (VED) is a device that uses a vacuum to pull blood into the penis causing an erection. This will need to be used in combination with the P-Shot. P-Shot is a PRP injection which can increase erections. PDE-5 medications such as Viagra and Cialis, which can help erections through pharmacology. Penile implant which is a surgical procedure where an implant with a pump is used to facilitate an erection.

What should the P-Shot result in?

  • Larger, firmer penis
  • Improve the effects of ED medication
  • Increase circulation in the penis
  • Improve sensation and pleasure

What Are the P-Shot Therapy Options?

P-Shot is a minimally invasive procedure that takes less than 5 minutes.  The treatment course consists of drawing blood, spinning it down in order to obtain the Platelet Rich Plasma and then re-injecting into the corpus cavernosum.

  • Minimal discomfort in-office procedure
  • Immediate and long lasting results
  • Minimal side effects with no downtime
  • Requires no anesthesia

Patients on average need retreatments every 6 months to once a year thereafter in order to maintain their results.

On average each treatment takes 1 hour or less. Each patient has an individualize treatment plan that fits their medical needs.

No, P-Shot procedure is not painful. Numbing agents are used to reduce your discomfort during the procedure.

Normal activity is not affected.  After the P-Shot you will need to use a Vacuum erection device as directed.


Are the results permanent?
While the results are long lasting, most patients will need re-injections, the results are not permanent.

Are there any Side Effects/Complications?
No immediate side effects or complications have been reported.

What does the Procedure Cost?
P-Shot is not covered by insurance and is considered an out of pocket expense. Please call out office for details and cost of the treatment.

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